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  • Distributing information

With PRONOTE, you can distribute information to all those involved in the institution - including students, guardians and teaching assistants. Sending information does not imply a response from the recipient, but you can request an acknowledgement of receipt.
  1. Go to the display Communication > Info/surveys >  Information and surveys.
  2. Click on the button New information: a window Send information appears.

  3. Designate the classes concerned by the information by clicking on the button  then specify the user categories by ticking the corresponding boxes.

    By ticking the boxes Teachers and Staff, you can send information to teachers and staff added to the pedagogical team in the display Resources > Classes >  Pedagogical team -if applicable, remember to add PEC, Teaching assistants and Educational assistants to this list.

  4. If the information is to be communicated to guardians, you must also choose between two mailing methods:

    • A dispatch per student (acknowledgements of receipt are listed by student: you can be sure that at least one guardian has read the information);

    • A dispatch per guardian (acknowledgements of receipt are listed by guardian: suitable if you want to make sure that all legal guardians are aware of the information - you can identify students later, via extraction).

      You can also add recipients individually, or via a mailing list by clicking on the button .

  5. Enter the title and body text of your information. You can format it using the toolbar.

    By clicking on the button Recover a template, you can  import an information template prepared in advance: practical when you need to send the same type of message several times (information on permission slips, internships, Student Administration, etc.).

  6. The box With an acknowledgment of receipt is ticked by default: recipients will be invited to acknowledge receipt of the information. You will be able to view acknowledgements of receipt.

  7. The box Publish is ticked by default. To define a publication period, double-click on both calendars. If you un-tick the box Publish, you can save the information as a draft, see step 9.

  8. You can also publish on the institution's page by ticking the appropriate box: information will be accessible to everyone on the Web, PRONOTE users and non-users alike.

  9. Depending on your choice in step 7, click on the button Publish or Create the draft.
You can send information from a list of resources: select the concerned resources in the list, then click on the button.
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