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  • Configure the use of Discussions at your institution

Discussions enable the various players in the institution (teachers, staff, students and guardians) to communicate via PRONOTE, in a more informal and spontaneous way than by e-mail (it also saves teachers having to forward their e-mail to families). If used without moderation, however, discussions can prove to be invasive: be sure to configure their use at the start of the year, and raise the awareness of the users concerned.

Step 1: Activate/Disactivate the discussions and define the times

  1. Go to the menu Parameters > Communication > Mail/SMS/Messaging service.
  2. In the rubric Messaging service, tick/un-tick Activate the discussions and eventually, Activate the messaging service between the guardians.
  3. You can also set the times when the messaging service is available.

    By enabling messaging service between guardians, you authorize guardian representatives to:
    • Discussions with the guardians of the class for which they are representatives,
    • Distributing information or carrying out surveys among the class guardians for which they are the representatives.
    You also authorize all guardians to request, via discussions, one of the guardian representatives of their child(ren)'s class. For this communication to take place in either direction, guardians must also have activated communication between guardians from their Webspace.
    In all cases, neither non-represented parents nor students may communicate with each other, unless invited to do so by a teacher or staff member who is also present in the discussion.

Step 2: Specify who can communicate with whom

Once discussions have been activated throughout the institution, you need to specify which users are authorized to communicate with each other.

The teachers
  1. Go to the display Resources > Teachers >  Authorization profiles.
  2. Select the profile to be configured from the list on the left, then unfold the rubric Communication.

  3. Tick /un-tick the option Communicate with all the classes.

     If the box Communicate with all the classes is ticked, the teachers will be able to communicate via discussions and distribute information/surveys to all students and guardians, including those they don't teach, provided that communication with the concerned classes has been activated (see below).
  4. Go to the display Resources > Teachers >  Teacher forms.
  5. Select the concerned teachers from the list on the left, then tick /un-tick the user types with which these teachers will be able to communicate.

  6. Select a teacher from the list on the left, then click on the button  in the rubric Communication > For the classes/groups.

  7. In the pop-up window, specify the classes (guardians and/or students) with which the selected teacher will be able to communicate.

The staff (with the exception of teaching assistants)
  1. Go to the display Resources > Staff >  Forms.
  2. Select the concerned staff in the list on the left, then tick/untick the user types with which these staff members will be able to communicate.

    By ticking the box Accepts being a contact for the Student Administration office, you identify selected staff as Student Administration contacts: the teachers will be able to contact them quickly via chat if they are logged in.

  3. Click on the button ; in the pop-up window, specify the classes (guardians and/or students) with which the selected staff will be able to communicate.

The guardians, students and teaching assistants
  1. Go to the display Internet Webspaces > Parents/Teaching assistants /Students >  Parameters of the (...) Webspace.
  2. At the very bottom of the tree structure, tick Communication > Discussions.
  3. For teaching assistants only: go to display Resources > Staff >  Form, select the teaching assistants in the list, then tick/un-tick the user types with which these teaching assistants will be able to communicate.

    When the box Communication > Students is ticked, the concerned teaching assistant is authorized to communicate via the discussions with the students in his care. They may not contact other students. The list of students in his/her care is shown on the right of the rubric Communication and can be modified using a double-click.
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