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  • Add the items to the existing reference frames

The competencies to be evaluated are organized according to reference frames common to all the teachers who use them. There are three types of reference frames:

  • The reference frames per subject Aff_ReferentielsParMatiere.jpg: for each subject, there are corresponding worked on competencies from the programs (cycles 2, 3 and 4) published in the Official Bulletin. The competencies are classified by significant elements (blue lines) linked to the domains of the platform. In addition to the reference frames per subject, a reference frame Cross-disciplinary competencies enables teachers to assess cross-disciplinary competencies common to all subjects, such as Recognizes, Learning, Reasoning, Achieve, Communicating, etc.
  • The reference frames per domain Aff_ReferentielsParDomaine.jpg: interdisciplinary competencies correspond to each domain of the platform comply with DGESCO requirements. Competencies are classified by significant elements (blue lines) and can be evaluated in any subject.
  • The digital competence reference frames Aff_ReferentielCompetencesNumeriques.jpg: the competencies to be evaluated correspond to each domain for obtaining the digital competency certification.
  1. Go to one of the following displays:
    • Competencies > Reference frames > Aff_ReferentielsParDomaine.jpg Per domain;
    • Competencies > Reference frames Aff_ReferentielsParMatiere.jpg Per subject;
    • Competencies > Reference frames > Aff_ReferentielCompetencesNumeriques.jpg The digital competence reference frames.
  2. Select a cycle from the drop-down menu (no cycle for the digital competencies reference frame).

  3. Select a subject or field from the list on the left: the list of competencies appears on the right.
  4. Add:
    • significant elements by clicking on the creation line at the top of the list;
    • items by clicking on the + preceding a significant element;
    • sub-items (exclusively for the reference frames per domain and subject), after activating Manage the sub-items in the parameters by clicking on the button Btn_RoueDentee.jpg at the top right.

In the digital competencies reference frame, only items and sub-items can be added.
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