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  • Protecting your account with a PIN code

Protecting your account with a PIN code means defining a code of at least 4 digits that you'll need to enter when logging on to PRONOTE from a new device. By securing your account with a PIN code and respecting other basic security measures (strong password, no password entry or PIN code in rear projection mode, etc.) you considerably reduce the risk of your account being hacked. Indeed, someone in possession of your password will not be able to log on from a computer you do not recognize.

Set a PIN code at login

If PIN entry is compulsory, you will be asked to set it when you log on to PRONOTE.
  1. First enter your PIN code of at least 4 digits, without choosing a combination that could be easily guessed (current year, date of birth, famous date, etc.).
  2. Click on the button Validate.
  3. Enter your PIN code again.
  4. If you're logging in from a secure workstation from which you'll be logging in regularly, add it to your list of recognized devices: you won't be asked for your PIN code when you log in from this workstation.
  5. Click on Next.

If you need to enter your PIN every time you connect, even though you've added the device in question to your list of recognized devices, you'll probably need to change your browser settings.

Set your PIN code once connected

If you don't need to enter a PIN, you can set one yourself in your account parameters.
  1. Go to My data > Account.
  2. Click to the left on the panel Protecting the account.
  3. Tick Set a PIN code.
  4. First enter your PIN code of at least 4 digits, without choosing a combination that could be easily guessed (current year, date of birth, famous date, etc.).
  5. Click on the button Validate.
  6. Enter your PIN code again.
  7. Validate.
Depending on your configuration, you may also be offered an option Notification only. Please note that this is an alternative measure which is only effective if you react immediately. If you receive a notification (via PRONOTE and e-mail) even though you haven't logged in from a new device, you must take immediate action (including changing and strengthening your password and PIN code).

Register a new device

When you connect to a new device, if it's a secure workstation from which you'll be logging in regularly, add it to the list of recognized devices once authentication has been successfully completed: you'll no longer be asked for the PIN code when you log in from this workstation.

See the list of recognized devices

To view the registered devices and delete a device, go to My date > Account > Protecting the account.

Reset your PIN code

If the corresponding option has been activated, and if your e-mail address is stored in PRONOTE, you can ask for your PIN code to be reset if you forget it. This request is made from the authentication interface.

React to suspicious connections

If you receive an e-mail notification when you haven't logged in from a new device, immediately change your password and PIN code from My date > Account > Protecting the account or ask your Principal to reset them.
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