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  • Verify the filling in of report cards

Identify the missing appraisals

  1. Go to the display Report cards > Verification >  Verification of report cards.
  2. Select the data to be displayed using the drop-down menus.

  3. Sort the list in the column Teachers' app.: if no appraisal has been written, a red cross appears in the corresponding box.

Identify the missing grades

  1. Go to the display Report cards > Verification >  Verification of report cards.
  2. Select the data to be displayed using the drop-down menus.
  3. Sort the list in the column Missing grades: a fraction indicates, for each student, the number of tests scheduled and the number of missing grades. For example, the fraction 1/5 indicates that five tests have been scheduled, but that one grade has not been entered in PRONOTE.

    The tests graded Absent, Exempt, Non-graded... etc. are not taken into account in this calculation. If the absence of a grade is not due to an oversight on the part of the teacher but to one of these reasons, go to the display Grades > Entry of the grades >  Entry and add the corresponding letter to the table.

To carry out the verification of the competence bulletins, go to the display Competencies > Bulletins >  Verification of the periodic assessments.
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