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  • How to cancel a meeting?

A canceled meeting is displayed as such in the agenda of all participants. To permanently delete the meeting from your agenda and that of other participants, click on Delete.

Cancel a single meeting

  1. Go to the display Communication > Meeting >  Manage my meetings.
  2. In the left-hand column, select Single meeting.
  3. Select the meeting from the list, then click on Cancel the meeting.

  4. In the pop-up window, enter the reason for cancelation, then click on Validate.

Cancel a series of meetings

  1. Go to the display Communication > Meeting >  Manage my meetings.
  2. In the left-hand column, select Series of meetings.
  3. Expand the series of meetings by double-clicking on the line.
  4. Select the meeting you want to cancel, then click on Cancel the meeting.

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