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  • I made an CPRO import, but I don't see any grades or appraisals in the report card / competence assessment...

Verify that you have correctly configured the report card and/or competence assessment mock-ups: in order for the elements imported from CPRO to be visible, you must include the options Competencies defined in the subject's reference frame, Teacher's grade and Appraisals, and group the evaluations in accordance with the reference frame for the concerned sector (by significant element/by competence).

Also verify that the mock-up with this configuration has been allocated to the correct classes in the displays Bulletins > Mock-ups >  Allocation per period and per class and Competencies > Bulletins >  Allocation per period and per class.

If you want to display evaluations by competencies, the sector in question must also be evaluated by competencies; if in doubt, go to display Competencies > Reference frames >  Reference frames per subject and select the reference frame vocational baccalaureate specialization. If the sector is evaluated by competencies, these appear in the table in light blue.

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