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  • Import CPRO data into PRONOTE

The CPRO Education digital tool is designed for vocational schools. Using the command Imports/Exports > PARTNERS > CPRO, you can recover data from CPRO in PRONOTE: proficiency levels, appraisals and grades entered will then be allocated to the vocational education department.

Step 1: Verification of the prerequisites

  1. Go to the display Resources > Classes >  List and verify the concerned class sector.

    The CPRO import is only available for a selection of sectors; for the list, click here.
  2. Go to the display Resources > Subjects >  List and verify the SIECLE code for the vocational subject: this must be 071100.

  3. Go to the display Resources > Classes >  Services per class and verify that there is a service for the vocational curriculum.

    If you have created several services for vocational education, you need to transform them into sub-services, attached to a service with a generic name, for example ENS. TECHNOL. PROFESS. as below:

  4. Go to the display Competencies > Reference frames >  Reference frames per subject and verify that the column CPRO is visible for the subject Specialization of the Vocational Baccalaureate.

    If the column CPRO is not visible, select the reference frame, Specialization of the Vocational Baccalaureate, right-click and click on Modify > Update the CPRO codes in the grid.

Step 2: Prepare the mock-up of the competency assessment

  1. Go to the display Competencies > Bulletins >  Configuration of the mock-ups.
  2. Tick the elements to be added to the competence bulletin: so that the elements/competencies imported from CPRO are visible on the competence bulletins, remember to include the options Competencies defined in the subject's reference frame, Teacher's grade and Appraisals.

  3. Depending on the sector concerned, group the evaluations either by significant element or by competence.

    If you want to display the evaluations by competencies, the relevant sector must also be evaluated using competencies; if you have any doubts, go to the display Competencies > Reference frames >  Reference frames per subject and select the reference frame Vocational baccalaureate specialization. If the sector is evaluated by competencies, these appear in the table in light blue.

Step 3: Import the data from CPRO

  1. Launch the command Imports/Exports > PARTNERS > Import the CPRO data.
  2. Select the import period and concerned classes, then click on Import the CPRO assessments.

    If grades exist both in PRONOTE on the vocational subject's service and in CPRO, a new ENS.TECHNOL.PROFESS.CPRO service is automatically generated.
  3. CPRO data is now visible in the competence assessment of PRONOTE.

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