Support Support PRONOTE
  • Verify the authorizations and create an account for each user

Verify the authorizations

In PRONOTE, not all data is accessible to everyone. To determine who can access a particular type of data, you need to configure authorization profiles.
At the beginning of the year, be sure to verify the list of authorizations corresponding to each profile. There are several places to do this in the software:
  • In the window User administration for the users in Administrative mode,
  • In the display Resources > Staff >  Authorization profiles for users of Student Administration mode and Student Administration Webspace,
  • In the display Resources > Teachers >  Authorization profiles for users in Teacher mode and Teachers Webspace,
  • In the module Internet Webspaces for users of Parents Webspace, Teaching assistant Webspace, Students Webspace, Company Webspace and the Regional Education Authority Webspace.

    Create one account per user

    The same authorization profile can be assigned to several users. On the other hand, each user must have his or her own nominative account (don't, for example, create a single Educational assistant (AED) account for all teaching assistants). Also, assign only the necessary authorizations to each user (if the predefined user groups are not sufficient, create others - for example, High school counselor/Middle school counselor).

    Students and their families are not always aware of the security issues involved in using PRONOTE. The "1 user = 1 account = 1 password" rule applies to them too. Don't hesitate to inform them of this point as soon as the new school year begins via Information.
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