Support Support PRONOTE
  • Manage password personalization rules

When users connect directly to PRONOTE (and not via a DW (ENT)), they use a PRONOTE password. The first time they log on, they use an automatically-generated temporary password, which they personalize according to the rules defined in PRONOTE. By default, these rules comply with CNIL recommendations. You can verify this in the menu Parameters > General options> Protecting accounts.
  1. Go to the menu Parameters > General options > Protecting accounts.
  2. Consult the list of user types on the left. A red cross appears if the profile settings do not comply with CNIL recommendations.

  3. If necessary, modify the rules to comply with CNIL recommendations.

Caution, rule changes apply only to future customizations. To ensure that all passwords used quickly comply with the new rules, it is necessary to force passwords to be changed.
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