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  • Configure the criteria for calculating a service average

 The average for a service takes into account the coefficients assigned to the tests, as well as the calculation mode, rounding, weighting and bonus/penalty defined for the service.
  1. Go to the display Resources > Classes > Services per class.
  2. Select a class from the list on the left.
  3. Select a period from the drop-down menu at the top left of the right-hand list.

  4. Select a service: if the evaluation mode for this service is With grades, the average configuration options are displayed at the bottom of the screen.
  5. Indicate the elements to be taken into account when calculating the average:
    • Count only above-average tests,
    • Take bonus/penalties into account,
    • Weight the highest/lowest grade,
    • Round off the average for the student/class.

You can authorize teachers to make these settings: in the display Resources > Teachers > Authorization profiles, rubric Services and Grading, tick the wanted options.
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