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  • Create an evaluation

  1. Go to the display Competencies > Evaluations > Entry of the evaluations.
  2. Select the class/the group in the drop-down menu, then the period.
  3. Click on the creation line: a window Create an evaluation appears.

  4. Enter at a minimum:
    • the date of the evaluation,
    • the date of the evaluation result,
    • the period for which the evaluation applies,
    • a coefficient,
    • the title of the evaluation.
  5. Specify the evaluated competencies: click on Add competencies, select the type of concerned competencies (by domain, by subject, and/or digital competencies), select the concerned subject/domain from the drop-down menu, tick the competence(ies) to be added, then click on Validate.

  6. Click on Validate to save the evaluation in the list.
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