• Completing a student's competence statement

A competence reference frame must have been imported (or created) and associated with a class and the evaluators beforehand. Evaluations and appraisals can be entered directly by teachers and counselors/tutors, so it is a matter of completing or modifying what has been entered.

Enter/modify the proficiency levels

  1. Go to the display Competencies > Periodic statement >  Periodic competence statement.
  2. Select:
    • the class
    • the student
    • the evaluation period

  1. Enter the overall appraisal by the teaching staff.
  2. Enter or complete the evaluation according to the mode chosen during the configuration of the mock-up :
    • Details of each teacher's evaluations: double-click in the box of the teacher in the column Evaluation of the studies corresponding to the competence or competence item to be evaluated. In the pop-up window, double-click in the evaluation or comment box to fill in the information.

    • Global Positioning: click once in the box of the column Positioning corresponding to the competence or competence item to be evaluated. In the window Details of teaching evaluations that is displayed, choose the corresponding level, then validate.

Individual teacher evaluations can always be modified in the global positioning display by using a right-click > Modify the evaluations in the box of the competence or item.

Complete the appraisals by block of competencies

The assessment by block of competencies must be activated for the teachers and/or counselors/tutors when activating the evaluation by competencies and the appraisals by block of competencies must be selected in the mock-up of the statement.
  1. Go to the tab Competencies > Periodic statement >  Periodic competence statement.
  2. In the pop-up window, double-click in the column Appraisal of the teacher or counselor/tutor for whom you want to fill in an appraisal.
  3. Fill in the appraisal and click on Close.

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