• Create a MCQ

  1. Go to the tab Studies > MCQ > List of MCQ and entry of the questions.
  2. Select the teacher from the drop-down menu.
  3. Click on the creation line, enter a designation and validate with the key Enter.
  4. In the pop-up window, select the Subject, and then click on Validate.
  5. Select the MCQ in the list on the left: its content (Entry of questions, Execution modalities, Results) appears on the right side of the screen. In the tab Entry of questions, click on the line Add a question as many times as necessary. Each time, HYPERPLANNING suggests you to choose the type of question you want.
  6. For each question, in the pop-up window, enter:
    • the number of points the question is worth (field Scale),
    • the mandatory/optional nature of the question and its level of difficulty,
    • the title and terms of the question,
    • the possible answers, if the form of the question allows it,
    • the optional comments, displayed during the correction,
    • a commentary in case of a wrong answer (only for the questions of the type "Response to be entered"), in order to give the student a reason for his/her error.
  7. If you want to penalize wrong answers or give more value to one answer when the question calls for more than one, tick the option Enter a percentage of points for each answer, and enter for each answer the percentage of points to award (or deducted) in the columns Positive and Negative.
Calculation examples for a question worth 10 points:
  • a correct answer with 100% is worth 10 points,
  • a correct answer with 60% is worth 6 points,
  • a wrong answer with -10% will lose 1 point,
  • if a student ticks the right answer at 60% and the wrong answer at -10%, he/she receives 5 points,
  • if a student only ticks the wrong answer at -10%, he/she receives no points.
In the case of single-choice questions, choosing an answer with a penalty may result in a negative score for the question. On the other hand, on the whole of the MCQ, the student cannot have a mark below 0.

In order for the bonuses and penalties defined in the questions to be taken into account, tick Award points based on percentages defined for each answer in the Execution modalities of the MCQ.
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