• What types of questions are possible?

You can use the following types of questions:
  • Unique choice: enter a single correct answer among those proposed and tick it.
  • Multiple choices: enter several correct answers among those proposed and tick them.
  • Answer to be entered - Numerical: enter the answer in Arabic numbers. The student's answer is taken into account independently of the spaces and numerical separators (for example a period or comma for the decimals).
  • Answer to be entered - Text: enter all the possible answers, knowing that the student must enter with exactitude one of the possible answers. An option allows you to specify if capital letters must be taken into account.
  • Spelling: enter the answer that the student must spell; letters will be replaced with a dash. An option allows you to specify if capital letters must be taken into account.
  • Association: specify the pairs that the student will have to reconstitute. The associated elements can be text, but also images and sound files.
  • Fill in text - Open answer: enter a text and then indicate the items that will be replaced by gaps. The student must fill in the gap by entering with exactitude the item (capital letters, etc., included).
  • Fill in text - Unique list: enter a text and then indicate the items that will be replaced by gaps. HYPERPLANNING automatically establishes a list with all these items, the student fills in every gap by choosing an item in the list.
  • Fill in text - Variable list: enter a text and then indicate the items that will be replaced by gaps while specifying the items proposed to the student to fill in the gap.
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