• Validate the awarding of ECTS

The procurement of ECTS is determined by module, or by service/sub-service. It can be conditioned by threshold grades, eliminatory grades or by the overall average or by the validation of modules. 

First step: choose the allocation mode

By default, the mode of allocation of ECTS is conducted by module.
  1. Go to the tab Grading > Grading services > Grading services (per class).
  2. Select the concerned classes from the list on the left.
  3. In the right panel, click on the button of the column No. ECTS.
  4. In the pop-up window, depending on what you want: Allocation by module or Allocation by service/sub-service.

Second step: define the number of points

Depending on the choice made in the previous step, the ECTS points correspond to the module or the services/sub-services.
  1. Go to the tab Grading > Grading services > Grading services (per class).
  2. If you have chosen procurement by module, the points are entered class by class. If you have chosen procurement by service, you can select several classes and possibly sort by subject in the list of services to easily allocate the same number of points to services of the same subject simultaneously.
  3. In the right panel, select the modules or services that correspond to the same number of ECTS points and then right click, choose the command Modify... > Number of points and enter the number of points.
  4. To allocate or modify a number of points for a single module or service, double-click directly in the column No. ECTS.

Third step: choose the procurement mode

First possibility: allocate the points as soon as the modules are validated

To do this, you must tick the option Take into account the mentions to validate the ECTS during the customization of the validated / non-validated mentions from the list of classes.


Second possibility: allocate the points according to the overall average

  1. Go to the tab Grading > Grading services > Grading services (per class).
  2. Select the concerned classes from the list on the left.
  3. In the right panel, click on the button of the column No. ECTS.
  4. In the pop-up window, tick Authorize the catch-up via the overall average and enter in the cell Attribution threshold the overall average required to obtain all the ECTS.

Third possibility: allocate the points according to threshold/elimination grades

Les notes seuils qui valent pour l'obtention des ECTS valent également pour la validation des modules. Don't forget it if you want to modify them.
  1. Go to the tab Grading > Grading services > Grading services (per class).
  2. If you have chosen procurement by module, the points are entered class by class. If you have chosen procurement by service, you can select several classes and possibly sort by subject in the list of services to easily allocate the same threshold grades to services of the same subject simultaneously.
  3. In the right panel, select the modules or services that correspond to the same threshold grade and then right click, choose the command Modify... > Threshold grade and enter the minimum grade above which ECTS credits are automatically awarded to the student.
  4. If you have chosen procurement by module, you can eventually enter the Eliminatory grades for the services: select the services that have the same eliminatory grade and then right click, choose the command Modifier... > Eliminatory grades and enter the grade. In this case, if the average of a service is lower than the eliminatory grade, the ECTS are not acquired whatever the average of the module.

Fourth step: edit a document with ECTS

First possibility: display the ECTS on the report card

To display the ECTS on the report cards, you must tick the corresponding option in the report card mock-up.

Depending on what has been configured (see above), the points obtained are displayed in the dedicated column:

Second possibility: edit an ECTS statement

To edit a document with the ECTS obtained over the year (and not only over the period), you must use a summary mock-up in which you have ticked the corresponding option.

Depending on what has been configured (see above), the points obtained are displayed in the dedicated column.
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