• Create a course directly in the timetable grid

This is the way to create a course by allocating a time slot directly to it. It allows you to copy an independently created timetable or to place one-off events on the grid. The course can be drafted in the grid of any of its resources: teacher, class, groups or room.

In a timetable grid, you can draft several class meetings in one manipulation if the class meeting takes place on the same day at the same time. If the place of the course changes every week, it may be more convenient to create the course directly in the grid of the schedule.

First step: create the course

  1. Go to the display Timetable in the tab Schedules.
  2. Select the resource in the list.
  3. On the bottom slider, activate the week(s) in which the course takes place.

  1. Click and drag on the grid to draft the course: a green frame is displayed; this is the matrix of the course, which materializes its duration. You can move and/or resize this matrix.

  1. If the chosen place is not possible for all the highlighted weeks, a number is displayed on the left: this is the number of possible weeks.

  1. Double-click in the center of the green frame to confirm the creation of the course. In some cases, a window is displayed:
    • if the course models have been created, HYPERPLANNING proposes to use one: choose a model or None in the drop-down menu;
    • if the place was not possible for all the highlighted weeks, you have to choose between creating the missing class meetings to place them later, or not to create them.

If a course takes place several days in a row at the same time, you can also create it in a single operation.

Second step: complete the course form

  1. If it is no longer visible, select the course to display the course form: it contains only the resource of the timetable on which you have created the course.
  2. Click on the button to replace Subject to be specified by the subject of the course.
  3. In the pop-up window, choose the subject; you can limit the proposals by:
    • limiting the search to extracted subjects,
    • modulating the taking into account of the constraints,
    • selecting the rubrics of the families created by you,
    • modifying the grouping in the list. 

  1. Then add the other resources (teacher, class or group/option): to do this, click on the button that appears when you position the cursor on the type of resource.
  2. In the pop-up window, select the resource you want to add, in addition to the filter options available for subjects you can:
    • For teachers: add a criterion of presence in the institution, of belonging or not to the students' pedagogical team, of teaching or not teaching the subject.
    • For rooms: override reservation requests, hide rooms with limited access.

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