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  • How to ensure that timetables are always up to date in PRONOTE

To keep your timetables up to date, acquire EDT-PRONOTE connection rights. With EDT-PRONOTE connection rights, you work on a single database: changes made in the Client EDT are instantly visible in the Client PRONOTE, and vice versa.

If you do not wish to acquire the EDT-PRONOTE connection rights, you can activate the automatic import of timetables.

You must be a user of the Administration group to conduct this operation.

EDT/PRONOTE automatic transfer (hosted)

  1. From the Client EDT, launch the command To PRONOTE > Configure the automatic transfer of data.
  2. In the pop-up window, activate automatic saving and choose the saving frequency.
  3. Enter your hosting number.
  4. From the Client PRONOTE, launch the command Imports/Exports > EDT > Automatic data recovery, activate the import and choose recovery options.

EDT/PRONOTE automatic transfer (not hosted)

  1. From the Client EDT, launch the command To PRONOTE > Configure the automatic transfer of data.
  2. In the pop-up window, activate automatic saving and choose the saving frequency.
  1. Indicate the location of the folder where you want to export the file with EDT data; make a note of this location.
  2. From the Server PRONOTE, launch the command File > EDT > Automatic data recovery.
  3. In the pop-up window, tick the box Activate automatic import from EDT, select the recovery options and make sure that the folder in which PRONOTE will search for files is the same as the one indicated in EDT.
  4. Click on Validate.
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