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  • I don't want families to see that a teacher is absent. What can I do?

If you use an Client EDT connected to a PRONOTE base, changes made in the first software are instantly visible in the second. If you wish to prevent families from accessing teachers' absences several weeks in advance, you can limit the number of weeks for which the timetable can be consulted.
  1. From PRONOTE, go to the displays Internet Webspace > Students > Parameters of the Students Webspace and Internet Webspace > Parents > Parameters of the Parents Webspace.
  2. In the tree structure on the left of the screen, select Student Administration > Timetable: options are displayed on the right.
  3. Tick the box Limit the consultation of the timetable (...), then specify the number of accessible weeks past the current week (number between 0 and 52).

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