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  • Detach students from their class for one or more courses

You can detach a student from his/her class for a time slot and assign him/her to another activity. This feature makes it easy to manage the timetable of students with special educational needs, as well as to modify students' timetables from time to time by assigning them to a remedial assignment, a special class meeting, and so on. The course to which a detached student is added takes precedence over the class timetable. This means that you can easily create courses for special needs students at a later stage, after the timetable for full classes has been created.
  1. Add a student to the priority course: go to the timetable of the teacher teaching the course to which you wish to add the student, and add the student from the course form in the rubric Detached students.

  2. In PRONOTE, students only see the course they attend on their timetable; other students in the class keep an unchanged timetable. The student is visible on the roll call sheet of the priority course, but is not counted as absent from the course from which he/she is detached.
  3. By default, when a course is canceled, detached students are not automatically reassigned to their class. If you wish them to be, tick the corresponding option in the menu Parameters > Daily Management > Placement.
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