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  • Upload services to STSWEB

The data entered in EDT must be verified before services can be uploaded to STSWEB, a process which involves four stages.

Step 1: Establish the matching between EDT/STSWEB

  1. In STSWEB, select the year to be processed, click on Exports, then on Timetable and save the file sts_emp_RNE-of-your-institution.xml in a folder that's easy to find.
  2. In EDT, go to the display STSWEB, launch the command Imports/Exports > STSWEB > Establish the matching, then designate the *.xml file you've just generated.

    The command Imports/Exports > STSWEB > Establish the matching is only active if you have already imported STSWEB data into your database.
  3. In all the lists of resources in the display STSWEB, double-click in the cell where the STSWEB match is missing.
  4. In the pop-up window, STSWEB data without an EDT match are shown in bold: double-click on the data you wish to allocate.

Step 2: Make a copy of the base

Whatever software you use on a daily basis (EDT Single-user or Client EDT), we recommend that you upload the services from a copy of the base in EDT Single-user
  1. From the EDT software you use on a daily basis, launch the command File > Create a copy of the base.
  2. Open the copy of the base with EDT Single-user.

If you don't have EDT Single-user, download it from the Index Education website; during the installation, select Evaluation version. When you open the copy of your database, EDT detects that the file is from a registered version and automatically unlocks the export functions.

Step 3: Bringing courses into compliance

  1. Identify non-exportable courses: go to the display Timetable > Course > List, then click in the menu on Extract > Extract the non-exportable courses to STSWEB: EDT displays only non-exportable courses, indicated by the icon in the column STSWEB; a long click on the icon   indicates why the course cannot be exported.

    If you do not see the column STSWEB, click on the button at the top right of the list to display it.
  2. Indicate courses not to be exported: go to the display Timetable > Course > List, select the concerned courses, right-click and choose Modify > Status for export to STSWEB, then double-click on Do not export.
  3. Make the necessary changes to the courses to be exported: go to the display Timetable <> Course > List, then:
    • Add a public to the courses without students: a course must contain at least one class, group or part. If not, add them from the course form.
    • Specify the complex courses: unspecified complex courses cannot be exported to STSWEB.
    • Indicate the courses in co-teaching.
    • Weight the courses with weights that are compliant: STSWEB does not take into account courses with a zero weighting, and accepts only one weighting per service. If the weighting of courses in a service is not uniform, EDT chooses the most representative.
    • Optional: modify the names of the groups. The groups used in EDT are all transferred to STSWEB with the name you chose when specifying complex courses. EDT shortens the group name if it is longer than 8 characters, and deletes all unauthorized characters.
    • Optional: enter the modality of the course. If a course's modality is not known, it is exported with modality GC.

Step 4: Conduct the upload of the services

  1. In EDT, launch the command Imports/Exports > STSWEB > Export with the assistant. The assistant verifies that all data to be exported can be transmitted to STSWEB; follow the assistant's instructions, then save the generated *.xml file.

    If you manage several institutions in the same EDT database, you can choose which institution's data you want to export.
  2. In STSWEB, click on Imports, then on Timetable and Browse; then choose the file generated from EDT, specify that you want to import all the data and validate; tick all the data and validate again: if the upload was successful, no message is displayed.
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