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  • Generate timetables in HTML format

If you don't have PRONOTE, which lets you consult timetables in real time, you can generate timetables in HTML format to integrate them into a website.

  1. Go to the display Timetable > Teachers/Classes/Rooms > Timetable.
  2. Launch the command Imports/Exports > HTML > Creation of HTML pages.
  3. In the pop-up window, define the content and appearance of the timetables.
  4. Click on the button Generate: EDT creates HTML pages and a *.png file for each timetable in the destination directory.
To regenerate modified timetables in HTML, go to the menu Imports/Exports > HTML > Supervision of HTML pages: timetables modified since the last generation are displayed in red. You can choose to regenerate all or just some of the timetables.
To define the destination folder for generated HTML pages, go to the menu Imports/Exports > HTML > HTML page parameters. Click on the button Modify and select the folder in which you want EDT to save the HTML pages.
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