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  • Place the students in the groups

The group is the set of students that the teacher sees when he doesn't see an entire class. A group can be made up of one part of a class (for example, a half-class) or several parts of classes from one or more classes. To avoid creating redundant groups, it's best to let EDT create the groups when specifying complex courses, or based on the number of students per specialization for groups of the 10th and 11th grade classes. EDT creates a group for each combination of teacher + subject + public encountered when creating a complex course, and reuses this group for the same combination.

Manually assign students to the groups

  1. Go to the display Timetable > Groups > Students.
  2. In the list, click on the arrow before the group name to display its parts.
  3. Select one of the parts and click on Add a student.
  4. In the pop-up window, select the students in multi-selection and validate.
  5. Repeat the operation, selecting the other part of the group. In the selection window, then tick Display the students belonging to parts of the same partition to reduce the list.

Automatically assign students to groups based on their options

  1. Verify that student options are correctly entered; their designation must match the designations entered in the courses (in the case of a complex course, the designations must have been entered for each class meeting in window Specify the complex courses).
  2. Go to the display Timetable > Groups > List.
  3. Select the groups to be filled, right-click and choose Automatically assign the students. Students are then placed in groups according to their options.
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