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  • Enter the subject constraints

Subject constraints are defined according to your institution's pedagogical project; they link subject A to subject B (incompatibility over a given period, prohibited order of succession or the contrary is essential, etc.). When a constraint applies to courses in the same subject (for example, a limit on the number of teaching hours per day), the same subject is referred to as subject A and subject B.
  1. Go to the display Timetable > Subjects > Subject constraints.
  2. From the list on the left of the screen, select a subject A.
  3. In the central list, click on Modify the subjects: a window Selection of the subjects appears.

  4. Tick a subject B to link with subject A, then click on Validate.
  5. In the right-hand panel, define the constraints linking these two subjects by double-clicking in the table's boxes (enter class-by-class) or by clicking on the button at the top of each column (enter by multi-selection).
    In this way, you can:
    • Force spacing between two courses by entering incompatibilities over 1/2 day, 1 day, 2 days or a certain number of half-days.
    • On the contrary, authorize same-subject courses on the same day by un-ticking the incompatibility that appears by default when the same subject is selected as A and B.
    • Prevent the succession of two courses by paying attention to the order of the subjects A/B.
    • Limit the number of hours per day or half-day, especially if you have authorized courses in the same subject on the same day.
    • Impose a weekly order so that one course takes place before another.
    • Impose that courses in a group take place before/after those in whole class by imposing a weekly order.
    • Impose that two courses in the same subject never be more than half a day or a day apart.

To enable automatic course placement, it is essential to only enter your actual constraints. During automatic placement, EDT will comply with all defined constraints. During manual placement, you are informed if a defined constraint is not complied with, but you can override it.
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