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  • Work in a week or a period

The week slider is used to manipulate the week-by-week timetable in the Daily management and absences module. You'll find it in all displays with a timetable grid or schedule.

The period slider can be used in the Timetable module. It is active only if you have created periods in the menu Parameters > Institution > Periods. With it, you can work on the timetable period by period (if the timetable is different in the 1st and 2nd semesters, for example).

Using the week ruler

The week ruler is usually above the timetable grid, sometimes below.

To display a particular week, click on the corresponding week number - this numbering can be customized.

 You can also switch from one week to the next using the keys < and > on your keyboard.

Some displays allow several weeks to be shown simultaneously; in these displays and these displays only, you can:
  • select several consecutive weeks by clicking/sliding your mouse over the weeks concerned,
  • select non-consecutive weeks using the keyboard shortcut click + Ctrl,
  • select weeks month by month by clicking on the month(s) concerned,
  • select all the weeks in a predefined period ('trimester', 'semester', 'weekly' or 'customized'), by clicking on the
  • button located to the right of the week slider,
  • select every week F1 or F2, according to the alternation you have predefined, by clicking on the button located to the right of the week slider,
  • select one week out of 2, 3, 4, etc., by clicking on the button located to the right of the week slider,
  • select a set of pre-configured weeks as favorites, by clicking on the button located to the right of the week slider,

Using the period slider

The period slider is located at the bottom of your screen. Click on a period to select it. If required, you can select several periods simultaneously using the keyboard shortcut click + Ctrl.

You can also:

  • reverse the selection, select a period out of 2, 3, 4, etc., by clicking on the button located to the right of the period slider, then under Quick selection,
  • select a set of pre-configured weeks as favorites, by clicking on the button located to the right of the period slider.

      When you work on a period, you only see:

      • courses taking place during this period,
      • the resources available for this period in the course form,
      • the unavailability entered for this period.
    When you work on a period, some of your modifications are effective on this period only:
    • the entry of unavailability,
    • the allocation of resources to courses,
    • the creation, duplication, transformation and deletion of courses,
    • the modification of certain course characteristics (place, duration, frequency, discipline, weighting, alternation, designation, site, modalities, compliance with recesses).
    Some characteristics, however, can only be modified over the whole year: the subject of a course, its stationary/variable placement properties, its export status, and its locking.
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