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  • Choose the data to be displayed in the courses

A great deal of information is included in schedules and timetables. While this information is very useful, it can also weigh down the interface. Customize the data displayed on the grid to the strict minimum: all other data remains easily accessible via the course form.

Configure the information displayed on the grid

  1. Go to the menu My preferences > Grids > Contents of the courses.
  2. Click on the drop-down menu at the top of the window: the information to be displayed can be configured separately for each type of resource.
  3. Tick /un-tick the information to be displayed on the grid, then click on Close.

Configure the information displayed on the course form

  1. Go to a display Timetable (no matter which).
  2. Click on a course to bring up its file, then click on the button in the top right-hand corner.

  3. In the pop-up window, tick /un-tick the data to be displayed on the form, then click on Validate.

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