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  • Install EDT Network

EDT Network allows several users to work on a database at the same time. To use EDT Network, you install two applications: the Server EDT and the Client EDT. The Server EDT must be installed on a sufficiently powerful machine, preferably on a dedicated partition (different from the system partition) in a non-shared folder: it is also on this machine that the database will be saved. The Client EDT is installed on the users' workstations: it is from this application that the users will access the database.

Install the Server

  1. Go to the download page of Index Education's site, download the Server EDT and follow the installation instructions.
  2. To open the software, double-click on its icon: you arrive on the home page of the Server EDT.
  3. Unlock access to the application: click on the at the top right of the screen, then enter your username and password.

  4. In the left panel, click on Publication parameters.
  5. Make a note of the IP Address and TCP Port: you will need these later to configure the Clients.

Install and connect the Clients

  1. Go to the download page of Index Education's site, download the Client EDT son your computer and follow the installation instructions.
  2. To open the software, double-click on its icon: you arrive on the home page of the Client EDT.
  3. Click on the button Add the address of a new server.
  4. Enter the IP address and the TCP port of the Server, then enter a designation of your choice to identify it (for example: Jules Ferry Highschool).

  5. Click on Validate.
You can install the EDT Client on as many computers as you want. The number of installations is not related to the number of simultaneous connections authorized by your license.
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