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  • Create Study Hall courses

The creation of "Study Hall courses" simplifies the management of roll calls for Study Hall in PRONOTE and enables timetables to be printed with the indication "Study Hall" in the concerned slots. Don't create Study Hall courses like regular courses: you won't be able to move courses to this slot, and resources will be marked as unavailable.

Create empty Study Hall/Library courses

It's possible to create empty Study Hall courses, to which you can add students as you go along. This is particularly useful for:

  • allowing roll calls for Study Hall during periods when there are no annual classes with students (for example, to accommodate students whose class has been canceled at the last minute);
  • distribute students in Study Hall in different ways depending on the week;
  • do the roll call the other way round, in the library for example: rather than ticking off the absentees, you can add the students present.

  1. Go to the display Timetable > Rooms > Timetable.
  2. Select the Study Hall room from the list on the left.
  3. Click and drag on the grid to draft the Study Hall course and double-click inside the green frame to confirm course creation.

  4. The course form appears with the reference Room reservation: double-click on it and select Study Hall for the course to appear on the Study Hall roll call sheet.

Create Study Hall courses with students

Annual Study Hall courses with students make it possible to find students who are still in Study Hall during a given time slot on PRONOTE roll call sheets, without having to add them manually each time.  It is always possible to add additional students to these Study Hall classes

Annual Study Hall courses with students must be created after all courses have been placed. To avoid having too many students in Study Hall at the same time, you can optimize the distribution of students in Study Hall beforehand.

  1. Go to the display Timetable > Course > Study Hall management
  2. If you wish to consider only the classes in a level, click on the button  Classes and only tick the concerned classes.

  3. Indicate whether you want students to be counted according to permission slips or according to criteria relating to time slots and student regimes: EDT automatically adapts the grid, indicating for each slot the number of Study Hall classes and, in parentheses, the number of students concerned.

  4. In the grid, click on the course you want to create.
  5. In the pop-up window, tick the classes or class parts to be taken into account and click on Create a Study Hall course.

    This means you can create several Study Hall classes for the same time slot if you wish: just tick some of the students when you create the class, then repeat the operation with the remaining students.
  6. The course is displayed in the list on the left. Use the course form to add a room and/or a proctor (to be created within the staff).

    To view the course on the grid, switch to the mode Study Hall schedule (at the top of the display).

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