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  • How do you ensure that courses can be used in PRONOTE (roll call sheets, homework notebooks)?

All simple courses (one teacher, one class) can be used directly in PRONOTE. However, as soon as a course contains several teachers and/or several classes, you must either indicate that it is a co-teaching, or specify the course.
If this has not been done when creating the timetable, you can display the concerned courses in the course list with the command Extract > Extract the courses that are insufficiently detailed for PRONOTE. Then you need to:

Indicate which courses are in co-teaching

To do this, select the concerned courses in the course list, right-click and choose the command Modify > Place in co-teaching. Courses are then displayed with an icon in the column Co-Teaching.

Specify the other courses

To do this, display the specifications window by double-clicking on the course and at the top specify for each teacher:

  • the subject taught,
  • the students seen (half class, part of a class or particular class, etc.),
  • the room where the course takes place,
  • the distribution mode used to create the different class meetings.
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