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  • Dividing the year into periods

In many cases, period management in EDT is not necessary. If your modifications concern only a few courses (substitutions, canceled courses, one-off courses, etc.), make them in the display Daily management and absences.

Before you start see: To be read first

Create a trimestial or semestrial breakdown

  1. Go to the menu Parameters > INSTITUTION > Periods.
  2. Click on the button Divide the year into periods.

  3. In the drop-down menu, choose the type of breakdown: semestrial or trimestrial.

  4. EDT automatically creates as many periods as you need.

    To modify the duration of a period, select the first or last week of that period, then click/drag the white separator cursor.

Create a weekly breakdown

If your classes alternate 1 week out of 2, 3 weeks out of 4, etc., you can activate a weekly breakdown.

  1. Go to the menu Parameters > Institution > Periods.
  2. Click on the button Divide the year into periods or Create a new breakdown.

  3. From the drop-down menu, choose the breakdown type, weekly.

  4. EDT automatically creates as many periods as you need.

  5. Customize period numbering if required.

  6. Click on the button Quickly select... to activate an alternation of weeks according to predefined rhythms (1 period out of 2, etc.), or customize the alternation (2 weeks out of 5, etc.) - by choosing X periods out of ... .

  7. To modify the duration of a period, you can also select the first or last week of that period, then click/drag the white separator cursor.

  8. The periods are listed in the table below: double-click in the column Period to rename them.

    If two periods have the same timetable, but do not follow each other (for example, on either side of a temporary arrangement), select them from the list with the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + click, then click on the button Reunite the periods.

Create a custom breakdown

  1. Go to the menu Parameters > INSTITUTION > Periods.
  2. Click on the button Divide the year into periods.

  3. From the drop-down menu, select Customized.

  4. Double-click on a week to make a division - you can repeat the operation as many times as necessary.

    To modify the duration of a period, you can also select the first or last week of that period, then click/drag the white separator cursor.

  5. The periods are listed in the table below: double-click in the column Period to rename them.

    If two periods have the same timetable, but do not follow each other (for example, on either side of a temporary arrangement), select them from the list with the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + click then click on the button Reunite the periods.

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