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  • Deposit a document in the digital lockers

For this, you need access to the digital locker and can connected to a PRONOTE base with a Client EDT. The digital locker allows you to communicate documents with other members of the pedagogical team or with guardians and students. These documents can be updated by their issuer, but also by their recipients if they have been authorized to do so (tick activated in column ).
  1. Go to the display Communication > Digital locker > Documents in the digital locker.
  2. In the menu on the left, depending on the document recipient, click on Teachers and Staff or on Guardian and Students.
  3. Click on Deposit a document, then select From a local file if the document is saved on your computer, or From my Cloud if it is saved on one of the proposed clouds: Digiposte, Dropbox, Google Drive or One Drive.
  4. In the pop-up window, select the nature of the document, then click on Validate.

  5. The document is imported into the list. Double-click in column Recipients, tick the names of the concerned teachers or staff, or even the classes of the pedagogical teams, then click on Validate: the document is instantly put online.

    If the document is deposited for the guardians (document visible from their PRONOTE Webspace on the page Personal information > Documents) or the students (on the page My data > Documents), the publication dates must be specified.
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