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  • Take a survey

With a Client EDT connected to an EDT database, you can carry out a survey among other users of the Client EDT. With a Client EDT connected to a PRONOTE base, you can carry out a survey of all those involved in the institution- including students, guardians and teaching assistants. In both cases, survey results can be consulted in real time and transmitted either nominally or anonymously.
  1. Go to the display Communication > Info/Surveys > Information and surveys.
  2. Click on the button New survey.

  3. In the pop-up window, select whether the survey is to be nominative (respondents' identities appear next to their answers) or anonymous.

    You can carry out a nominative survey, then anonymize the results at a later stage, when you distribute them.
  4. Add recipients (personal, and/or linked to a class, and/or via a mailing list).
  5. Specify the title of the survey.
  6. Choose the type of the first question and if needed, enter any possible responses:

    • Response to be entered: the recipient must enter a free response.

    • Unique choice: the recipient can choose a single answer from the list. By default, the Yes and No answers are proposed, but you can modify them by double-clicking on them, and/or add other answers by clicking on Creation of new choice.

    • Multiple choice: the recipient can choose several answers from the list. You can limit the number of possible answers by ticking the box Define a maximum number of choices then enter this number in the box on the right. By ticking the box Propose a choice "Other", you add a free response.

  7. Add as many questions as you like. You can also insert texts, for example, to provide an introductory message (the arrows on the side allow you to change the order of texts and questions).

  8. If you want other people to have access to the survey, click on the button  to designate the concerned teachers and/or staff.
  9. To publish the survey, check the box Publish, then double-click in the calendars to set the beginning and ending dates for publication. To save the survey as a draft, leave the box Publish un-ticked.
  10. Depending on the choice you made in the previous step, click on Publish or Create a draft.
You can also take a survey from a list of resources: select the concerned resources from the list, then click on the button in the tool bar.
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