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  • Configure the sending of e-mail (EDT Network)

E-mails can be processed in two ways (depending on the configuration you have chosen): either they are sent to recipients directly from the Client, or they are sent first to the Server (which centralizes e-mails from all Clients in your system), then resent to recipients from the same Server.

Delegate e-mail sending to the Server has several advantages:
  • you only need to make one setting (at the level of the Server);
  • your e-mails are not lost in the event of a malfunction (if the SMTP server is down, e-mails are stored on the Server EDT and resent later);
  • you don't have to wait for the message to be sent, whether you want to continue working or switch off your computer.

If messaging service is not configured from Server, it must be defined from each account. However, the administrator can define messaging profiles, which are then applied by users.

Choice No. 1: centralize the dispatches from the Server

  1. From the Server EDT , click on the panel E-mail dispatching parameters.
  2. Tick the box Delegate the sending of all e-mail to the Server EDT.

  3. Enter a sender name and forwarding address.
  4. From SMTP parameters of the server enter your SMTP server information by clicking on the button of the rubric Dispatching parameters.

  5. Click on the button Test the sending of e-mail to verify the configuration. If you receive the message Time limit exceeded, increase the server's delay time limit.
If you delegate the sending of e-mails to the Server, this configuration will be applied by default in all Client software. However, each user retains the option of modifying these settings, if they prefer to delegate the management of e-mails sent from their workstation to their Client EDT.

Choice No. 2: send the e-mails from the Client

If each user enters his/her own messaging service settings

  1. Go to the menu Configuration > Configure the sending of e-mail for this workstation.
  2. After designating the account to be used, select the option Define my own parameters, then click on the button to enter SMTP server information (to be found in your messaging service software).

  3. Click on the button Test the sending of e-mail to verify the configuration. If you receive the message Time limit exceeded, increase the server's delay time limit.

If the user uses an e-mail profile configured by the administrator

What you need to do first as an administrator r:
  1. In the Client, go to the menu Configuration > Manage the e-mail dispatching profiles.
  2. Click on New e-mail dispatching profile, enter the profile name, then press the key Enter on your keyboard.
  3. Enter the information for the SMTP server used by this profile.

  4. Repeat the operation, creating as many profiles as necessary, then click on Validate.

What you need to do as a user:
  1. Go to the menu Configuration > Configure the sending of e-mail for this workstation.
  2. Select the option Personal account, then click on the button to add your messaging service information.
  3. Select Define my own parameters, then click on the button .
  4. In the pop-up window, click on the button Recover an e-mail dispatching profile.

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