Support Support PRONOTE
  • How to manage the export of services for a class with a mixed report card

To upload a service in the mode Without grades when the LSU positioning of the whole class is With grades, you must generate a grade for LSU. Otherwise, the service will be exported as "non-graded".

To upload a service in the mode With grades when the LSU positioning of the whole class is On a scale of 1 to 4, you must generate a positioning. Otherwise, the service will be exported "no positioning".

Generate a grade for LSU

  1. Go to the display Report cards > Entry of the appraisals > Entry of teachers' appraisals per subject.
  2. Select the concerned class and service.
  3. Enter a grade in the column LSU grade or click on the button at the top of the column: PRONOTE automatically calculates a grade, taking into account the coefficient for each evaluation and the proficiency levels. The calculated values can still be modified.

Generate a positioning for LSU

  1. Go to the display Report cards > Entry of the appraisals > Entry of teachers' appraisals per subject.
  2. Select the concerned class and service.
  3. Enter a positioning in the column Pos. or click on the button  at the top of the column to automatically calculate the positionings (based on the evaluations entered and the calculation mode selected in Parameters > EVALUATIONS > Options). The calculated values can still be modified.
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