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  • Modify teacher authorizations

Teacher authorizations are defined by profile: this means that all teachers with the same profile have the same authorizations. By default, if you haven't recovered last year's profiles, all teachers have the same profile (Profile 1).
  1. Go to the display Resources > Teachers > Authorizations profiles. Three user profiles with a range of authorizations are defined by default:

    • Profile 1: standard (allocated by default to all teachers),
    • Profile 2: fewer features than profile 1,
    • Teacher-librarian: this includes authorization to see all students, and therefore to communicate with them, have access to their homework notebooks, etc.

    If needed, you can create other profiles by clicking on the corresponding button.
  2. Select a profile and verify the associated authorizations: you can tick/un-tick the authorizations.

Don't forget to tick the options Activate Teacher mode (connection to the Client) and/or Publish the Teachers Webspace and mobile version, also indicating possible access points in the rubric Access authorized.

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