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  • Define the mock-up of the competence bulletins

  1. Go to the display Competencies > Bulletins >  Configuration of the mock-ups.
  2. In the list of mock-ups on the left of the screen, select the mock-up Standard: a preview of the mock-up appears in the center of the screen.

     You can also create new mock-ups (click on the button  in the top right-hand corner of the mock-up list) or duplicate existing mock-ups to modify them (right-click on a mock-up designation, then the command Duplicate).
  3. In each tab Header, Body, Footer, Class's periodic assessment, tick the elements to be included on the bulletin, especially:

    • additional information: details of competencies evaluated or elements of the worked on program,
    • the form in which evaluation details are displayed,
    • the cross-curricular table: if the teachers have evaluated competencies of the grid Cross-disciplinary competencies (Recognizes, Learn, Reasoning, Achieve, Communicating, etc.), you can display them in addition to or instead of subject-specific competencies,
    • the details to be displayed for each subject (teacher, positioning, appraisals, etc.),
    • display of previous period positioning (from the second period onwards),
    • display of the average of graded tests per service, where applicable.

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