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  • The name or job function of the decision-maker is not displayed on the letters. What should I verify?

First, verify the tags inserted in the document templates:

  1. Go to the display Communication > Mail and Documents > Templates.
  2. Select the template from the list on the left; the corresponding document is displayed on the right.
  3. The tags that define the name and function of the decision-maker are "Sanction_NameDecision-maker" et "Sanction_JobfunctionDecision-maker"; if these tags don't appear where you want them in the document, click on Insert, then add the tag (Sanctions > Decision > Decision-maker).

    If the document belongs to the category Interim Measures, you will find these tags by clicking on the button Insert (Interim Measure > List of the interim measures > Customized). In the pop-up window, click again on Insert (Decision-maker > Civil status/Name/Job function).
    You cannot enter tags directly in the text by imitating their syntax; tags must be added via the button Insert. To verify that a tag is a "real" tag, verify that it is highlighted in light gray.

Then verify that the name and job function of the decision-maker have been correctly entered in the software:

Name of the decision-maker

  1. Go to the display Discipline > Sanctions > Entry of sanctions.
  2. Select the student, then the relevant sanction.
  3. On the right of the screen, verify that the field Decision-maker has been filled in.

Decision-maker's job function

  1. Go to the display Resources > Staff > List.
  2. In the column Job function, verify that the decision-maker's job function has been entered correctly.

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