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  • Force users to change their password

When users connect directly to PRONOTE (and not via a Digital Workspace (ENT), they use a PRONOTE password. For security reasons, all users need to change their password regularly. This also ensures that passwords always comply with the latest CNIL recommendations.

Option 1: Generate new passwords every year

A simple way to impose change of passwords each year is not recover them from year in year.

Each year, PRONOTE generates new temporary passwords. You communicate this temporary password to each user, who personalizes it when he/she logs on for the first time.

Option 2: Force password change every X days

You can also force passwords to be changed every X days. This option ensures optimum security.

  1. Go to the menu Parameters > General options > Protecting accounts.
  2. Select a user type on the left.
  3. In the frame Password, select Force change at expiration.
  4. Enter the Maximum lifetime of the passwords; after this period, users are required to change their password.

Option No.3: Force change at the next connection

This last option allows you to force a password change by selecting the users concerned. This can be useful if you have modified the personalization rules and want all passwords to comply with the new rules without delay. It's also essential if you suspect identity theft.
You must be logged in as administrator.

For staff and teachers

  1. Go to the menu File > User administration.
  2. In the pop-up window, click on the display Users.
  3. Select the concerned user.
  4. Right-click and choose Force password change.

  5. A red icon appears in the column Password. This password must be changed the next time the user logs on.

For students, guardians, inspectors, internship counselors

  1. Go to Timetable > Teachers (or Students, etc.) > List,
  2. Select the concerned users. To select all users in the list, use the shortcut Ctrl + A.
  3. Right-click and choose the appropriate command according to the users:
    • for the teachers and staff: Modify the selection > Password and PIN code > Force password change,
    • for the students: Modify the password (Students Webspace) > Force password change,
    • for the guardians: Modify the selection > Password > Force password change,
    • for the inspectors: Modify the selection > Password (Regional Education Authority Webspace) > Force password change,
    • or the internship counselors: Modify > Password > Force password change.

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