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  • Give a punishment

Enter the nature of punishment

  1. Go to the display Discipline > Incidents > Entry of the incidents.
  2. Select the incident in the list on the left; the incident report is displayed on the right.
  3. In the rubric People involved, double-click in the column Action to be taken > Nature of the concerned student.
  4. In the pop-up window, select the type of punishment to allocate, then click on Validate.

Enter the details of the punishment

  1. Go to the display Discipline > Incidents > Entry of the incidents.
  2. Select the incident in the list on the left; the incident report is displayed on the right.
  3. In the rubric People involved, click in the column Nature, to the right of the given type of punishment

  4. Enter the appropriate fields for each type of punishment. data entry can also be carried out by the teachers or by Student Administration staff if they have the corresponding authorization.

    Extra homework

    • The due date of an assignment
    • The assignment (to add an attachment, click on the button )

    Suspension from course

    • The duration of the suspension
    • Name of accompanying student (to Study Hall, Student Administration...)
    • The assignment to be completed during the suspension (to add an attachment, click on the button )


    • Duration of detention
    • The assignment to be completed during the detention (to add an attachment, click on the button )
    • The date and time of the detention
    • The assigned proctor (teacher or staff)
    • The room or location of the detention

Notify the guardians

  1. Go to the display Discipline > Incidents > Entry of the incidents.
  2. Select the incident in the list on the left; the incident report is displayed on the right.
  3. In the rubric People involved, click in the column Action to be taken > Nature (on the date of the punishment).

  4. In the rubric Notify the guardians, tick Publish the punishment (...); you may postpone the date of this publication.
  5. To mass mail the punishment, click on the button ; if you have subscribed to the SMS dispatching service, select the SMS template to be sent, then click on the button .

Send information within the institution

  1. Go to the display Discipline > Incidents > Entry of the incidents.
  2. Select the incident in the list on the left; the incident report is displayed on the right.
  3. In the rubric People involved, click in the column Action to be taken > Nature (on the date of the punishment).

  4. In the rubric Send information within the institution, click on the button .
  5. In the pop-up window, verify the list of recipients by clicking on the button "eye" in the top right-hand corner of the window; by default, the information is sent to the members of the pedagogical team and the PEC of the student's level.
  6. Add an attachment by clicking on the button .
  7. Verify the publication period of the information, then click on the button Publish.

Verify that the punishment has been carried out (extra homework and detention only)

  1. Go to the display Discipline > Incidents > Entry of the incidents.
  2. Select the incident in the list on the left; the incident report is displayed on the right.
  3. In the rubric People involved, click in the column Action to be taken > Nature (on the date of the punishment).

  4. Tick the box Carried out the then enter the completion date; if the task has not been completed, tick the corresponding box.
  5. Eventually add a comment in the field provided.

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