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  • Why enter a percentage of points for each answer?

If you want to penalize wrong answers or give more value to one answer when the question calls for more than one, tick the option Enter a percentage of points for each answer, and enter the percentage of points to be allocated (or deducted) for each answer in the columns Positive and Negative. For example, for a question worth 10 points:

    • a 100% correct answer earns 10 points,
    • a correct answer of 60% earns 6 points,
    • a wrong answer with -10% loses 1 point.
    • If a student ticks the right answer at 60% and the wrong answer at -10%, he/she receives 5 points.
    • If a student only ticks the wrong answer at -10%, no points are obtained.

In the case of unique-choice questions, the choice of an answer associated with a penalty can lead to a negative result on the question. However, on the MCQ as a whole, the student cannot receive a grade below 0.

To take into account the bonuses and penalties defined in the questions, tick Award points based on % defined for each answer in the execution modalities of the MCQ.

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