Create a MCQ
Step 1: Create a MCQ
- Go to MCQ > My MCQ >
- Click on the button New MCQ. A window appears.
- Enter a designation, a subject, a level and eventually a theme (visible to students), a level and a category (visible only to you), then validate.
If you tick the box Share with other teachers via the institution's library, the MCQ will be put online as soon as the first question is created.
Step 2: Add questions
- Select the MCQ from the list on the left: its contents appear on the right of the screen.
- In the tab Entry of questions, click on the line Add a question.
- Select the type of question.
- In the pop-up window, enter:
- the question's designation and terms,
- the number of points the question is worth in the field Scale,
- the compulsory/optional nature of the question and its level of difficulty (scale of 1 to 3).
The compulsory/optional nature of a question and its level of difficulty are not visible to students; this information is used to limit randomness in the drawing of questions when setting the execution modalities.
- Enter the suggested answers; depending on the type of question selected, the method of entry may vary ("Unique choice" type question below).
- Click on the button Validate to save the question.
Define the execution modalities
- Select the MCQ from the list on the left: its contents appear on the right of the screen.
- In the tab Execution modalities, specify:
- the MCQ instructions: click on the button
to add a written instruction,
- the distribution mode for corrected copies (for the mode Corrected copy available from a given date, the corrected copy distribution date can be set when the MCQ is distributed),
- the presentation mode of the questions, (how many questions should be asked and in what order),
- the execution conditions: limited time, execution of the same MCQ several times (option available only with the option Distribution of corrected copies > Without corrected copy),
- the customized execution modalities (as part of a accompaniment project, for example): fewer questions and/or more time,
- the correction rules: partially correct or incorrect answers are taken into account, with or without a percentage points system,
- if you give the student the opportunity to express his/her feelings about the difficulty of the MCQ.
The execution modes defined in this tab correspond to default settings: they can be modified each time the MCQ is reissued. Please note, however, that once students have started answering, you will no longer be able to modify them.
Step 4: Simulate the student's vision
Select a MCQ and click on the button Student's vision.
A button Simulate is also available in the question editing window to view the concerned question directly.
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