• Implementing competence-based evaluations with HYPERPLANNING

HYPERPLANNING can be used to implement a comprehensive competency-based evaluation of students. For students in internships or work-study programs, company tutors can take part in this evaluation.

First step: activate competence management in HYPERPLANNING

Go to the menu Parameters > OTHER MODULES > Competencies and tick the box Activate competence management.

Second step: determining the evaluation periods

The evaluation calendar is shared with the Grading module. If you have already created grading services created grading services, you have already allocated a calendar to your class. Otherwise you have to do it in the display Competencies > Evaluation periods > Calendars and grading periods.

Third step: filling in a competence reference frame

Go to the display Competencies > Reference frames > List of competence reference frames to create or import a competence reference frame.

Fourth step: configure the periodic statement mock-ups

The evaluation of competencies has its own mock-ups for periodic statements, which can be applied to the annual statement and to the period-by-period statements of the calendar defined in the first step.

Fifth step: configure who can evaluate which competence and when

Go to the display Competencies > Reference frames > Implementation of competencies to allocate one or more reference frames to your class, and choose who will evaluate the associated competencies.

Sixth step: evaluating the competencies

Depending on the selected periods, each person authorized to evaluate the competencies can enter his/her evaluations. Teachers and company tutors an do this from their Webspace, or send them to the school's administration, which can then fill in the competence statements in a centralized manner.
Students can evaluate themselves from their Webspace.

Seventh step: finalize the evaluation per competence by period

Once the periodic statements have been completed by the various evaluators, the pedagogical coordinator or administrative manager must finalize the evaluation by determining: the global positionings per period and for the year for the evaluated competencies, and then by determining the decisions concerning these competencies.

Eighth step: edit periodic statements before the distribution to the students

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