• Calculate or enter an annual global positioning

If you have chosen to carry out periodic evaluations in addition to the annual evaluation, you will need to go through a phase to determine your overall annual positioning.
HYPERPLANNING offers you four ways to determine your annual global positioning:
  • manual determination directly in the annual competence statement,
  • the average of the periods,
  • the best of the periods,
  • the last period.

First method: automatically calculate positioning

  1. Go to the display Competencies > Periodic statement > Definition of the mock-ups for the periodic competence statement, and choose the wanted mode.

  2. Go to the display Competencies > Periodic statement > Periodic competence statement.
  3. Select the global period.

  1. Click on the in the column Teach.
  2. In the pop-up window, choose whether or not to keep the positions already determined, then confirm. Tick the box Replace the evaluation levels already allocated replaces the evaluation of a competence entered manually by a teacher with the average of item evaluations.

  1. HYPERPLANNING determines global positioning according to the mode selected in the competence statement mock-up.

Second method: enter the positioning manually

  1. Go to the display Competencies > Periodic statement > Periodic competence statement.
  2. Double-click in the column Teach. or right-click > Modify the positioning.
  3. In the window Evaluation levels that opens, choose the evaluation level corresponding to the global positioning for the competence or for the item.

  1. The selected level replaces the calculated level.
To view details of evaluations by the teacher and by period, place the mouse cursor on the global position to be detailed. The tooltip reminds you how to calculate the global positioning.

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