• Import a competence reference frame from a spreadsheet

If you have a spreadsheet with competence reference frames, you can recover or update this data in HYPERPLANNING in a few clicks. If the database already contains some data, check the spelling of the designations so that HYPERPLANNING does not create duplicates.

First step: preparing the spreadsheet for import

  1. The spreadsheet must include one row per item or competence in the absence of items, one column per type of information (field).
  2. It is not necessary to have a line of labels, but it can facilitate the matching with the HYPERPLANNING fields during the import.
  3. HYPERPLANNING requires at least the two fields: Code and Designation of the reference frame.
  4. If more than one reference frame is present in the spreadsheet, there are two possibilities to ensure the integrity of the reference frames: HYPERPLANNING requires at least the two fields:
    • fill in all the rows of the columns Blocks and Competencies of the file or
    • organize the lines to follow the plan of each reference frame by filling in only the first line of each block and each competence.

  1. The column Category only accepts the values RNCP, RS and Other or empty and only needs to be filled in for at least one row of the reference frame.

Second step: importing the reference frames into HYPERPLANNING

  1. In the spreadsheet file, select the data to be imported and press Ctrl + C to copy it.
  2. Go to any display of the tab Competencies.
  3. Use Ctrl + V to paste the data: the import window opens.
  4. Select at the top the type of data to import: Competence reference frames.
  5. Indicate Tabulation as field separator.
  6. Mettez chaque colonne en correspondance avec un champ HYPERPLANNING. To do this, click on the arrow next to the title Ignored field and select from the drop-down menu the field to which the column corresponds.
      • If a column is not to be imported, leave Field ignored. As long as required fields are missing, all data is displayed in red. Sif some data remain in red at the end of the matching process, it means that they do not match the expected format: hover the cursor over them to see why. Most of the time, the data is still imported but modified to be compliant.
      • If you have copied the column titles, tick Do not import the [1] first lines.

    1. Click on Import: HYPERPLANNING proposes to switch to Exclusive Usage mode (the other users switch to Consultation mode during the import process and you can choose not to keep the imported data at the end of the process).

    1. HYPERPLANNING displays a report with the number of imported, created or modified data.

    1. Close the window.
    2. HYPERPLANNING proposes to save the import format, the matching of the fields with the columns will be kept for all future imports of this type of data.
    3. If you were in Exclusive Usage mode, click on the button in the toolbar.
    4. In the pop-up window, choose by saving your modifications.
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