• Recover your timetable in iCal format

The iCal format can be read by most personal organizers (Outlook organizer, Google, etc.), smartphones and handhelds.
Recovery of the timetable in iCal format is subject to an authorization.
  1. Go to the tab Courses > Timetable > in a grid/in a list/in a schedule.
  2. On the slider, select the weeks to be taken into account.
  3. Click on the button at the top right.
  4. In the pop-up window, choose the recovery mode:
    • either a *.ics file to be integrated to your personal agenda (it will not be updated automatically),
    • or an address to be copied and pasted into your agenda manager for a real time update.
      Where to paste the URL provided by HYPERPLANNING varies from one agenda to another, but you should generally look to add a calendar.
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