• Enter the unavailability and wishes

From the Secretariat Webspace, it is possible to enter unavailability and wishes for teachers, classes and rooms.

Enter the unavailability of a resource

The unavailability corresponds to the slots in which the resource is not available. Unavailability is strictly respected during automatic placement; during manual placement, it is indicated, but the user can ignore it.

  1. Enter or select the resource.
  2. On the slider, highlight the weeks for which the unavailability is valid (click and drag on the whole slider if the unavailability is valid for the whole year).
  3. Click on the button Unavailability.
  4. Click and drag on the grid to indicate the slots where the resource cannot be used. To cancel an entry, move over it with the paintbrush. If courses are already placed, they are indicated by the icon of the course form.

Enter the preferred ranges for the courses of a resource

The wishes correspond to the time slots in which the resource would like to have classes. These slots are not guaranteed, but they have priority during automatic placement. They are indicated in the grids by a green background in order to suggest the slot to the user during a manual placement.

  1. Enter or select the resource.
  2. On the slider, highlight the weeks for which the unavailability is valid (click and drag on the whole slider if the unavailability is valid for the whole year).
  3. Click on the button Wishes.
  4. Click and drag in the grid to indicate the slots where the teacher wishes to have courses. If courses are already placed, they are indicated by the icon of the course form. To cancel an entry, move over it with the paintbrush.
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