• Create a test

Prerequisite: a grading service must have been created for the subject and class to be graded. Grading periods are not sealed.
  1. Go to the tab Grading > Entry of grades.
  2. In the drop-down menus, select the class, the period and then the concerned service.
  3. Click on the button Create a test
  4. In the pop-up window, fill in the parameters of the test:
    • to grade students on a previously created MCQ, click on the button next to Associate a MCQ.
    • the date of the test: it is informative. Only the period counts for the calculation of averages.
    • the publication date of the grade on the Webspaces: by default, the publication date is the current date. You can change it manually, for example, to publish grades only after the test has been handed in.
    • the topic and/or the corrected copy may be added as an attachment. They can be consulted from the Students Webspace when the grade is published.
    • the period(s) where the test is to be counted as part of the average.
    • the scale is indicated in the field Grading out of. If you choose a scale other than the default one, you will have to assign a coefficient to the tests, unless the option Out of 20 is ticked.
    • the coefficient: it will be taken into account for the calculation of averages.
  5. On the other hand, you can specify whether the assignment is optional, if it is to be counted as a bonus, as a grade or according to the default threshold.
  6. It is possible to specify whether this test is defined as Supervised written test. The date of this test will then be visible on the homepage of the Teachers and Students Webspaces.
  7. Enter a comment if you wish. It will be visible on the Teachers and Students Webspaces.
  8. Click on the button Validate: HYPERPLANNING creates a column in which you can then enter the grades.
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