• Give a MCQ as a test

In order for students to work through the MCQ, it must be linked to an test. Students answer it online from the Students Webspace (or the Mobile Webspace on their phone).
  1. Go to the tab MCQ> My MCQ.
  2. Select the MCQ, right-click and choose Associate the MCQ with a new test.
  3. In the window Create a test, define the time slot in which students can take the MCQ from their Webspace.
  4. Select the concerned service.
  5. Choose the date for the test.
  6. Choose the publication date of the grade, with or without a corrected copy.
  7. Define the grading mode. Unless the coefficient of the test is 0, the grade is counted in the average.
  8. Click on the button Create. In the menu on the left, the MCQ appears in the rubric Tests, preceded by the icon .
You can also associate a MCQ to an test from the tab Grading > Entry of the grades in the test creation window.
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