• Catch-up test

Creating a catch-up test allows you to take into account new grades while keeping the initial grades: either the new grades replace the old ones, or HYPERPLANNING takes the average of the two.
  1. Go to the tab Grading > Entry of grades.
  2. In the drop-down menus, select the class, the period and then the concerned service.
  3. Click on the date of the test.
  4. In the window for creating/modifying a test, click on the button Create a catch-up.
  5. The window expands: in the lower part, indicate the grade below which students can take the catch-up, the date of the catch-up as well as the way the grade should be taken into account.

  6. Click on the button Validate.
  7. A second column appears next to the first one, where you can enter the new grades for the concerned students.

The display of the catch-up grade on the gradebook depends on the configuration of the template established by the administrator. The administrator can choose Display the original grade and the recovered grade of the test or Only display the retained grade in the gradebook.
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