• Configure the server

To ensure that the Webspaces accessed by users are secure, you need to choose the https protocol and install an SSL (TLS) certificate.

An SSL (TLS) certificate must first be purchased from a valid certification organization. This certificate, ideally in PFX format, must be accompanied by its private key, and must be renewed at the end of its period of validity.
  1. Go to the tab Publication parameters of the schedule published on .
  2. If necessary, stop publication to modify data.
  3. Select the https protocol.
  4. Click on the button Reserve a URL prefix.
  5. In the pop-up window, the prefix https://+:443/hp/ is automatically reserved.
  6. Go to the tab Liaisons with the certificates.
  7. Click on the button Launch the assistant and follow the procedure to import the SSL (TLS) certificate you've previously obtained.
  8. You can test the publication by clicking on the button Open in a browser.
As part of the hosting package, a certificate is supplied, installed and renewed.
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